K exhibition view, from left to right: Hans-Christian Lotz, K objects, Lena Teresa Flohrschütz, Matthias Numberger
K exhibition view with K’s conference-exhibition plateau, K’s projection screen and K objects, surrounded by exhibits of (from left to right)
Sarah Lehnerer, Matthias Numberger, Heike Jobst, Hannah Cooke, Franca Scholz |
K exhibition view with K’s conference-exhibition plateau, K’s projection screen and K objects, surrounded by exhibits
K exhibition view, exhibits from front to back: Franca Scholz, Sarah
Lehnerer, Hannah Cooke, Matthias Numberger, Heike Jobst |
K-kit, one for each of the 19 K members with slightly different, shrink-wrapped content
Matthias Numberger |
Franca Scholz, from the series: “Unterschätz’ mir die Objekte nicht”,
printed foil, wood ledges, 100 x 140 cm, 2013, installation view |
Detail of Franca Scholz, from the series: “Unterschätz‘ mir die Objekte nicht”,
printed foil, wood ledges, 100 x 140 cm, 2013 |
Angela Stiegler, “Final Fantasy”, minibeamer, projection, 2013
Detail of Angela Stiegler, “Final Fantasy”, minibeamer, projection, 2013
Password: K
12:00 13:00 14:30 15:00 |
16:00 16:30 16:45 17:30 K dinner ***** 19:00 20:00 20:30 – 22:30 |
Mona Altmann mit Johanna Ziebritzki joined intelligence, Performance, 2013 Hannah Cooke Guang Feng Cheng Lena Teresa Flohrschütz Heike Jobst
Beate Körner Urich Lau Wai-Yuen Hans-Christian Lotz Moritz Nebenführ, Tracing the Digital Dialectic: A Phonographic Research, 2013 Matthias Numberger, |
Franca Scholz Thomas Silberhorn Angela Stiegler Felix Leon Westner, |
Bjarke Hvass Kure: Through the screen you enter the show (text by K‘s embedded journalist) Urich Lau: Appropriated from the constitution of the republic of Singapore – Part IV Fundamental Liberties Lennart Boyd Schürmann: Die φύσισ zeigt sich nicht mehr, nur noch dein Körper, Baby. Und auf dem Ge-Stell kann man auch keine Liebe mehr hervorbringen. Man kann nur noch Pizza bestellen und die Pizza uns. – A lecture on Heideggers τέχνη thinking. (German) Mona Altmann and Johanna Ziebritzki: A narrative report on the performance-experiment “Joined Intelligence” Hans-Christian Lotz: Komment on the K Live Stream |
Urich Lau Wai-Yuen, “Life Circuit”, Performance with video goggles, sound mask, amp muffs, 2009-2013, (duration: 15 min)
K conference at 1 pm: Urich Lau Wai-Yuen, “Life Circuit”, Performance via skype from Singapore with video goggles, sound mask,
amp muffs, 2009-2013, (duration: 15 min) |
left: Philipp Gufler, “1978 (Pride IV)”, 2013 [red and violet], Plastic, epoxy resin, text collage on paper, 32 cm x 40 cm, Unique / right: Matthias Numberger, “System Study”, 3D print fragment and photography on light box, 27 x 41 x 6 cm, 2013
Detail of Matthias Numberger, “System Study”, 3D print fragment and photography on light box, 27 x 41 x 6 cm, 2013
Matthias Numberger, “Molecular Modelling”, inkjet print, 169 x 134 cm, 2013
Lennart Boyd Schürmann, “Die Physis zeigt sich nicht mehr. Nur noch dein Körper, Baby.
- Heideggers Technik-Deutung, die Kunst als das Rettende.” |
Lennart Boyd Schürmann, “Die Physis zeigt sich nicht mehr. Nur noch dein Körper, Baby.
- Heideggers Technik-Deutung, die Kunst als das Rettende.” |
Mona Altmann with Johanna Ziebritzki, “joined intelligence”,
Performance, 2013 |
Felix Leon Westner, assosiative drawings made during the conference,
2013 |
Zhong Hua Liu, “Mad Time”, trailer to the First Country Side Science Fiction Animation in solar system, 04 min, 2013, Still
K exhibition view, from left to right: Zhong Hua Liu, Franca Scholz, Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, Sarah Lehnerer
Sarah Lehnerer, „Mood Board – demoversion“, videoloop, 2013, Still
view of K’s conference at : Hannah Cooke’s lockpicking lesson
Sketch on the table: tools Hannah Cooke brought for her lockpicking lesson
Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, “EdinburghKarlsruhe2013_Masks”, duration: 50 min, Skill Exchange via Skype, 2013
Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, “EdinburghKarlsruhe2013_Masks”, Skill Exchange via Skype, 2013, Masking
Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, “EdinburghKarlsruhe2013_Masks”, Skill Exchange via Skype, 2013, instruction for hand masks
Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, “EdinburghKarlsruhe2013_Masks”, Skill Exchange via Skype, 2013, hand massage
Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, “EdinburghKarlsruhe2013_Masks”, Skill Exchange via Skype, Meditation part, 15 min
Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, “EdinburghKarlsruhe2013_Masks”, Skill Exchange via Skype, 2013, Meditation part
dirt on the table refined with a drawing
Hans-Christian Lotz, untitled, pcbs, latex, cardboard, watercolour, and this plastic
foil, 2012/13 |
Hans-Christian Lotz, screenshot, 2013
Thomas Silberhorn, “perpetuum mobile”, Metall, Fliege, Videokamera, 2013
Beate Körner, “lecture”, performance, duration: 1 min, Still
Beate Körner, “lecture”, performance, duration: 1 min
Beate Körner, “häufen”, black sand, audio, loop, 2013
Felix Leon Westner, drawing made during the conference, 2013
Matthias Numberger and Philipp Gufler in conversation: “Why is the sexual and the technical so easily devided? A record referring to Jacob Gaboury’s:
A queer history of computing, Fred Halsted: LA plays himself and Derek Jarman’s: Wittgenstein” |
Lena Teresa Flohrschütz, “Geschlossene Gesellschaft”, Audio/Visual, Mixed Media, 2013
Lena Teresa Flohrschütz, “Geschlossene Gesellschaft”, Audio/Visual, Mixed Media, 2013
Backstage‘s view of Lena Teresa Flohrschütz, “Geschlossene Gesellschaft”,
Audio/Visual, Mixed Media, 2013 |
K opening to the public
Official opening to the public: Introduction and Guided tour by Matthias Numberger and Angela Stiegler
Felix Leon Westner, “Turn on, tune in, drop out”, soundperformance, 2013
Felix Leon Westner, “Turn on, tune in, drop out”, drawing made during the soundperformance, 2013
Felix Leon Westner, “Turn on, tune in, drop out”, 2013, documentation of the soundperformance, duration: 17 min
exihibition view, (from left to right): Franca Scholz, Beate Körner, Felix Leon Westner, K object
Franca Scholz, “Vom Mars oder vom Mond”, Ecole des Mines, Paris, photography, 40 x 60 cm, 2013
Heike Jobst, “desire”, 2011, graphit and coloured pencil on paper, 21 x 19 cm
K opening situation
Hannah Cooke, “Lovelockpicking”, 23 lovelocks, socket, 2011-2013
Guang Feng Cheng, “Fable 1: The Reformation and Opening Up of North Korea”, 2013, Still
Moritz Nebenführ, “Tracing the Digital Dialectic: A Phonographic Research”, 2013
Moritz Nebenführ, “Tracing the Digital Dialectic: A Phonographic Research”, 2013
Moritz Nebenführ, “Tracing the Digital Dialectic: A Phonographic Research”, 2013, excerpt: 5 min
Arranged groupshot on the 24th of November 2013 with K‘s physical present participants, from left to right: Lena Teresa Flohrschütz, Felix Leon Westner, Hannah Cooke, Anita Edenhofer, Lennart Boyd Schürman, Franca Scholz, Thomas Silberhorn, Sarah Lehnerer, Bjarke Hvass Kure, Johanna Ziebritzki, sitting: Matthias Numberger, Angela Stiegler. Virtually represented: Mona Altmann, Jessica Yanti Hardjowirogo Dunleavy, Guang Feng Cheng, Philipp Gufler, Heike Jobst, Beate Körner, Urich Lau Wai-Yuen, Zhong Hua Liu, Hans-Christian Lotz, Moritz Nebenführ
http://hannahcooke.de http://yantidunleavy.com/ http://www.lenateresaflohrschuetz.com/ http://www.philippgufler.de/ http://www.heike-jobst.de/ http://www.beatekoerner.de/ http://urichlauwy.info/ http://www.sarahlehnerer.de/ http://matthias.numberger.com/ http://www.thomas-silberhorn.com http://www.flachware.de/angela-stiegler/ http://www.flachware.de/felix-leon-westner/ |
Marie-Luise Angerer, Vom Begehren nach dem Affekt, diaphanes, Zürich, 2007
link to A M Baggs: In My Language Irene Albers, Anselm Franke, Animismus. Revisionen der Moderne, diaphanes, Zürich, 2012 Karen Barad, Agentieller Realismus. Über die Bedeutung materiell-diskursiver Praktiken, Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2012 Gottfried Benn, Gehirne: Novellen, Reclam, 1986 Gottfried Benn, Das Hörwerk 1928-56, Zweitausendeins, 2007 Lutz Dammbeck, Das Netz, 2004 Diedrich Diedrichsen, Anselm Franke (Hg.),The Wohle Earth. Kalifornien und das Verschwinden des Außen, Sternberg Press, 2013 Dickhoff, Wilfried (ed.), Marcel Broodthaers. Interviews & Dialoge 1946–1976, Cologne: 1994 Heinz von Förster, KybernEthik, Merve Verlag, Berlin, 2008 Donna Harraway, “Ein Manifest für Cyborgs. Feminismus im Streit mit den Technowissenschaften” in: Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen, Carmen Hammer, Immanuel Stiess (Hg.) Campus, 1995 Martin Heidegger, Einführung in die Metaphysik, Tübingen, Niemeyer (1935), 1998 Douglas R.Hofstadter (Hg.), “Kapitel XIX: Artifizielle Intelligenz: Aussichten” in: Gödel, Escher, Bach. Ein endlos geflochtenes Band, S. 683ff, (1979), dtv, München, 1991 |
Friedrich Kittler, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Hg.), Die Wahrheit der technischen Welt, Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2013
Alexander Kluge Mitter Nachts Magazin mit Friedrich Kittler: Friedrich Kittler über die Entstehung der Interkontinentalraketen, der Atomphysik und der Globalen Beschleunigung aus dem Geist der MathematikMaurizio Lazzarato, Videophilosophie. Zeitwahrnehmung im Postfordismus, b-books, 2002 Evo Präkogler, Nicht schon wieder. Eine auf einer Floppy gefundene Datei, Mattes & Seitz, Berlin, 1990 Hito Steyerl, Lovely Andrea, 2007 http://www.ubu.com/film/steyerl_andrea.html Hito Steyerl, Die Farbe der Wahrheit. Dokumentarismen im Kunstfeld, Turis+Kant, Wien, 2008 Hito Steyerl, The Wretched of the Screen, Sternberg Press, 2012 On Alan Turing, Queer Computing, http://rhizome.org/editorial/2013/feb/19/queer-computing-1/ Semit Zeki, Glanz und Elend des Gehirns. Neurobiologie im Spiegel von Kunst, Musik und Literatur, Ernst Reinhardt, München, 2010 Evgeny Morozov, FAZ Artikel, http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/evgeny-morozov-im-gespraech-es-ist-laecherlich-das-internet-erklaeren-zu-wollen-12614255.html |
K initiated by Photographies: Anita Edenhofer, Matthias Numberger Responsible with regards to content: info(at)angelastiegler.de Layout and Design: Angela Stiegler, Matthias Numberger Webdesign and Coding: Philipp Numberger © Copyright 2014: All rights reserved. With the friendly assistance of Kulturamt der Stadt Karlsruhe This website is proudly powered by WordPress. |